Effective and Personal Management Solutions

Managing Director Insights



Work from anywhere – work from office.

Continues to be the hot topic in the world of work.

How could it not be?

Just over 3 years ago, most people migrated into the office 9-5, 5 days a week.

If we’re being honest … most executives want their team members working in the office.

Most employees want to work from home.

Here’s an over-simplistic take.

Managers: Find a compelling reason for them to be there.

Employees: If remote, do the work and communicate … over-communicate.

TGIF everyone. Gray skies, chilly, and talk of a huge winter storm coming through today. You guessed it, I’m back in SE-MI.

Make it a great day everyone!!

More commentary below if interested.


SCN – Search Consulting Network

For Managers: A compelling reason for someone to come into the office, is something worth their while. Not just to do the same stuff they could have done remotely. We’ve all heard the stories of people coming into the office, and then zooming each other. If there is no compelling reason for them to come in. Let them work remotely. “Policy” is not a compelling reason. Walking by one-time and patting on the back one time is not a compelling reason. Compelling reasons could include F2F meetings, lunches out, hands-on instruction, training and development, the entire team comes in this day (one day a week is plenty here) and we need to have some F2F team touches, … etc.

For Employees: If you do your work and over-communicate, nothing more should be expected. And if your employer won’t allow remote work as wanted … I guarantee another employer will!

Jim Guerrera

Author Info

Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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The importance of truly listening, and understanding your wants and needs, cannot be overstated.