Effective and Personal Management Solutions

Managing Director Insights

Telling Stories


I had a nice conversation with Vince Holt, host of the MRINetwork Talent Hunters Podcast.

It was fun going down memory lane with Vince, the old days on campus at Notre Dame, as a member of the Varsity Football Team. Coach Holtz, Rudy, all part of the conversation.

We also spoke about the early days, and why I went into recruiting. Companies who were motivated to grow would invest in the right kind of service, to get the right kind of people.

Still holds true today.

While just about everything has changed in the past 23+ years, what hasn’t changed is the White Glove Service core value of SCN – Search Consulting Network. It was the single core vale of SCN since its inception on January 1, 2001, and it still is today.

46-53, sunshine it says, although it is raining right now!

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Jim Guerrera

Author Info

Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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