Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
“Should I Stay or Should I Go ?” ….

A famous song written by the 1970’s English Rock Band, The Clash.
It’s also a key decision that hundreds of thousands of Americans’ consider each day regarding their career.
These are some of the recent situations that crossed my desk this past week.
1. A person with 6 years of experience in automation, moved just a week ago to an entirely different field, and has a chance to get back to an Automation company. He finds the new position interesting, but he’s starting his career over.
Go .. back into automation. There should always be connective tissue to the moves in a career … and getting back to automation will put the stars in alignment.
2. A VP of Sales candidate has about 7 more years in his career before retirement. His company is profitable, he has a good, sustainable job, is paid well, but thinks maybe he is ready for a new challenge.
Stay … it’s harder to bounce around positions later in your career, it’s very difficult to find high level VP roles, and if you are in an overall good spot and treated well, I think the risk in moving outweighs the return in staying.
3. A sales person likes the products he sells, is paid well, but is often at odds with his manager who isn’t going anywhere and is not effective, and doesn’t feel an opportunity to grow in the role.
Go … grind it out until a new position presents itself … but it is not sustainable to stay in a role where you are stressed on a daily basis.
Sometime the decision is not always black and white .. whether to stay or go …
The hope of finding something better is not guaranteed … but accepting position disappoint that pays the bills doesn’t mean you can’t hope for .. or search for something better.
When in doubt … stick it out … until something better presents itself of course.
33-58, sunshine.
Make it a great day, everyone!
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SCN – Search Consulting Network
Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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