Effective and Personal Management Solutions

Managing Director Insights

Remote for the W


We had 2 fall offs (when someone accepts an offer and then takes another offer or gives a verbal acceptance and then declines) over the past two weeks.

Each of these positions were 100% in-office positions.

Remote for the W.

It doesn’t matter what Amazon is trying to do, or what a Chairman of the Board thinks is needed for the business to make money.

Great employees are always going to be in demand and they’ll continually leave jobs or turn down jobs that are 100% in-office … they will always have other options.

This will never not be an issue in business … all the way up to the very last manager standing who thinks 100% in office is the only way to conduct business.

30 – 43, clouds.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone … is it the person who speaks the loudest at holiday family gatherings, is the one who is always the most right?

Make it a great day!

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SCN – Search Consulting Network

Jim Guerrera

Author Info

Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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