Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
Pride in Effort

As a Notre Dame Alum and former walk-on football player, I admit that I get ‘nervous’ before their games.
I try to down play it … it’s no big deal, etc.
But I always want the team to win. It’s definitely an emotional connection.
Anyone who follows college football knows that this type of emotional connection could take it’s toll on a fan over the past 40+ years. Some periods of relevancy, and some periods of gloom for the Notre Dame program.
Even though this Notre Dame team came up short last night v. The Ohio State University, as a fan and alum I could not have been more proud of the way they played, and constantly fought this season, and in the game last night.
And seeing that type of cohesiveness, effort, and energy from the beginning to the end, win or lose, is what matters the most in this world, whether it be football, or a team in business.
It’s ‘feel good’.
And that’s how I feel today. Feeling good about watching this team play and the effort they put forth.
TOSU was by far a superior team in talent (another good indicator for business leaders), and it was an accomplishment for Notre Dame to not get blown out.
But credit especially to Notre Dame Coach, Marcus Freeman, who before our very eyes is becoming a fast rising star as a coach, leader, and teacher.
Who doesn’t want their team to win all the time?
But a winning effort … that’s probably even more important.
It cold, cold, cold here in SE-MI, most schools are closed. 1 – 6 degrees, clouds and wind.
But things are heating up here at SCN – Search Consulting Network!
Make it a great day, everyone.
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Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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