Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
Needles In a Haystack

Many of our searches are like looking for needles in a haystack.
Unique specific skills, some because of a ‘dying breed’ that is still needed (mostly in niches of skilled manufacturing).
Some because of new technologies where the pool of candidates is limited (because the technology is so new).
A great search partner will provide the options on the types of candidates who are available for the offering.
That’s what we do at SCN – Search Consulting Network.
Then, we work with the client on selecting the best-fit person for the role.
Curious about your hiring experiences when the search parameters are tight.
63-71, clouds and some rain and some sunshine.
Make it a great day!
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In tight searches, where the candidate pool is limited, what has been your best option to get the work done?
The author can see how you vote. Learn moreIn tight searches, where the candidate pool is limited, what has been your best option to get the work done?
Hire for early career – train
Hire closest experience
Hire exact, increase comp. $
Other – please comment below
Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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