Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
Knowing When to Say ‘Yes”

In the midst of all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the North American Auto Show that kicked off this past weekend here in the D, I had the chance to speak to several high-level executives from the Detroit 3.
Your thoughts on the UAW strike?
“It’s disruptive, but we’re active trying to get ahead of supply chain and shut down challenges as much as possible. Moving people around and trying to produce as many cars as we’re able to”.
Shawn Fain the head of the UAW has become a celebrity of sorts.
Complaining about billionaires in society and how much CEOs make.
It’s hard to argue with logic such as this.
Why are there billionaires … and so many people in this world struggle?
Rallying against billionaires and CEOs though isn’t the crux of what should be the matter with the strike.
It’s a good rallying cry.
But it’s distracting.
The issue should be the relativity in which the UAW workers are being treated …
Compared to their most recent contract.
Compared to other similar positions that may exist for them in society, which the data shows is favorable. Union wages for workers tends to be higher than non-union wages for workers.
Car makers with resources and global footprints, will always make moves that they feel will give them their best return on invested dollar.
Including where their plants will be located, and who the workers will be in those facilities.
They don’t consider CEO pay and obscene corporate profits, when looking at terms and conditions of a UAW contract.
If they get too much resistance to manufacture on their terms, I don’t think they would hesitate to move manufacturing to other locations that are more worker friendly.
They’ve shown the willingness to do this plenty of times over the years.
A lot rests on the shoulders of Fain … knowing when to say ‘yes’.
And I think also, knowing what to say in general.
A 4-day work week, and then getting paid for 5 days?
And CEO pay increased 40%, so every worker’s wage should increase 46%?
Maybe starting points for bargaining.
But I doubt any serious car maker would agree to these terms.
Fain sure seems like he enjoys the celebrity that his position has garnered for himself.
Makes one wonder also if there are ulterior motives at play …is he shooting for a position in public office someday? Something else?
The short-term manufacturing recovery from covid will be set back significantly if the strike drags on … and if Fain doesn’t know when to say yes.
Fain has made himself the star in these negotiations and curious to see what your thoughts are on Fain and the UAW strategy. Please jump in on the survey below.
Strike or not. Very busy and active here at SCN – Search Consulting Network!
Make it a great Monday, everyone!
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Fain has made himself the star of the UAW negotiations with the Detroit 3. Your thoughts on Fain and or his strategy thus far?
The author can see how you vote. Learn moreFain has made himself the star of the UAW negotiations with the Detroit 3. Your thoughts on Fain and or his strategy thus far?
Approve, knows when to say yes
Disapprove, asks are not right
Other – please comment below
Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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