Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
January 1, 2001

That’s when we opened the doors at SCN – Search Consulting Network.
But it was only one door in a small rented office with one person in it.
Stacks of paper to the ceiling, no high-speed internet, and my email was the old ‘aol’ dial up connection that made the loud, screeching sound, (if you know, you know).
I made over 200 cold calls per day into companies to get business.
And when I got a Job Order, I made cold call after cold call into companies, trying to find someone to hear the story of the position I was promoting.
There was no LinkedIn. No Job Boards. No Data Sources.
No database.
Cold calling was the only way.
I got to know the building maintenance person very well, because I was always in the office by 4:30 am and usually left at 8pm.
8am – 12 noon every Saturday, and Sunday.
He often asked me if I was ok, because of how stressed and overly intense I was.
I was ok.
If ok is being filled with huge debt and uncertainty.
We just came off of the dot.com bubble, so the market was tight, especially for a start-up.
And then when I got a few things going, the 9-11 tragedy struck, more uncertainty and more business disruption.
The goal was survival.
Failure was not an option
The photos here – January 1, 2023.
Same feel as 22 years ago.
Just no stacks of paper.
This from our hallway at our location in Colorado, on a family ski trip.
It’s 4:30 am … but it’s Mountain Time so not too bad.
The goals today.
To continuously improve our service offering for our clients.
To develop our leaders, to develop those who they support, and to have our team of 45+ ‘Elevate’ into 2023 and Beyond.
Failure is still not an option.
Happy New Year, everyone!
#SCNrecruiting #SCNinsights #SCNhiring #business #job #network #leaders #building #consulting #email

Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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