Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
Have You Spoken With Your Manager?

This is one of the first questions we ask a candidate, when they tell us they want to leave because there is no room to grow in their current situation.
It’s an ethical recruiting move.
It helps prevent counter-offers.
It helps validate the decision to accept a better offer.
It was gratifying to see a candidate start this week with one of our clients, sales position, where he has a chance to grow into a sales manager.
Before he started the interview process with us, he got confirmation from his manager … no room to grow in the fore seeable future.
OK, let’s run.
Knowing where you stand is not always clear in a remote world.
But it never hurts to ask.
Weather Gods have listened, 55-80 and sunny.
Make it a great day, everyone!
Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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