Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights
Governing Corporate Governance
A good person I know recently resigned from her position.
And just before she was set to start her new position, the new company rescinded the offer.
Just, like, that.
She was on her way to what she believed to be a better opportunity.
And now, nothing.
No unemployment benefits.
No severance.
Just, a template email from the new company, thanking her for her time.
How does this happen?
Corporate governance, the system by which companies are directed and controlled, has certainly improved since the ‘Enron Era’.
But in terms of its ruthlessness, has it ever been at such a low point?
Employee loyalty? Employee attitudes towards their employer? A recent study showed that 70% of workers will be looking for new positions in 2024.
There are no signs of progress in employer / employee relationships improving on a macro level anytime soon.
Employers continue to manage to the quarterly number, the “Jack Welsh” approach (sidebar comment, many experts do believe he ‘ruined’ GE with this short-sighted approach).
And employees are showing their willingness to dart quick to their next opportunity.
I’m not sure how this is great from a sustainable business perspective (and this is coming from someone in recruiting).
But always look for the opportunity …. the Blue Ocean … the great opportunity … and it’s at a micro level where you can make the greatest impact. Treat people well in your company or your community at your company, and you may be surprised at just how strong the work relationships can become.
That’s the goal, here at SCN – Search Consulting Network!
33-54, sunshine and clouds, getting warmer.
Make it a great Monday, everyone!
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Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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