Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights

I remember walking down the dormitory hall my senior year at Notre Dame (circa 1993), and someone yelled, “I have an email address! … I have an e-mail address”!
Big deal … bruh.
Good luck with that.
What’s an email address?
That of course wasn’t the only ridiculously off-based comment or thought at that time in my life.
But wow, was I ever profoundly wrong regarding the need for an email address.
The foundational means of communication in the modern business world.
I’m sure something will come along that will make email obsolete.
I’ll have been sprinkled in ashes somewhere over Lake Michigan by then.
Suggestions for Email Communication:
1. Make them as condensed as possible …. much shorter than one of my LinkedIn Posts
2. Utilize numbers or bullets …. only fill in context details if absolutely necessary
Every single person you work with will appreciate your brevity.
Long emails …. albeit sometimes necessary (guilty) … are never well received.
Less …. is more.
More or less.
Striving for more, and more, and more here at SCN – Search Consulting Network.
Make it a Great Friday, everyone!
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Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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