Effective and Personal Management Solutions

Managing Director Insights

Compensation Range


One of the nuances of modern recruiting is to properly manage the compensation range during a search.

If the compensation range is $80K – $120K, the candidate hears $120K, and the hiring team hears $80K.

A disconnect.

The most effective recruiters understand what the range is, but also do not throw it out there early in the process because from there on forward, the high end of the range is the number and it may not be possible for the candidate to go back off of that.

“I see myself at the top end of the range”.

Who doesn’t want more money?

32 – 36, some snow flurries.

Make it a great day!

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SCN – Search Consulting Network

If the compensation range on a position is $80K – $120K, and you are interviewing for the spot, what compensation # do you hear?

The author can see how you vote. Learn moreIf the compensation range on a position is $80K – $120K, and you are interviewing for the spot, what compensation # do you hear?




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Jim Guerrera

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Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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