Effective and Personal Management Solutions
Managing Director Insights

people (culture)
This model of ‘company offering’ / ‘candidate wants’ has stood the test of time (at least it has for ‘SCN time’, the past 24 years).
LOCATION is highlighted here, because location has become the single biggest differentiator in hiring.
Companies are increasingly wanting people to come into the office. And the people who do so willingly, are the most stable and receiving the biggest bumps in pay.
Candidates who are turning down offers, are doing so because they do not want to work in an office, sometimes not even one day per week.
It’s an easy read.
If you are an employee and you want to keep your position, grow in your role, or advance within the company? Go into the office, or relocate.
If you are a hiring authority and you want to attract the best candidates available? Allow people flexibility to work from anywhere.
The hiring market always reconciles, but right now for professional roles where skill or expertise is required, the leverage is overall still with the candidates, and likely will be for the fore seeable future.
56-75, sunshine. Some big storms and tornado yesterday.
Whether you are remote or in the office …. make it a great day!
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SCN – Search Consulting Network
In 2024, has your company made the intentional decision for people to work more in the office, even if just 1 day per week?
The author can see how you vote. Learn moreIn 2024, has your company made the intentional decision for people to work more in the office, even if just 1 day per week?
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Author Info
Jim Guerrera
Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...
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