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Managing Director Insights



“Jim, can you write about what you think will happen with the future of work with AI”?

Hmmm, good question.

AI isn’t just one thing. It’s a broad group of different types of technology that get lumped into one big category of AI.

To this end, some of the AI tools could offer some value over the course of time to business, that will make people more productive, instead of ‘displacing people’. A couple of these examples include Machine Learning or the aggregation of Big Data.

Generative AI is what people usually think of when it comes to AI. The most notable company in this space is OpenAI, lead by Sam Altman.

OpenAI started as a ‘Non-Profit’ organization and since then has become the most funded start-up in history, with billions upon billions invested, including heavy investments from Microsoft.

Simply put, companies are investing in AI technology, it’s the next new thing. CEOs have to show they are in on the game, and searching for the next best way to improve efficiency. They hope at a minimum that speaking to AI in their company will help drive stock prices upward.

I personally don’t think that AI is going to overtake any type of good human work that exists in the professional world today.

Putting a ChatGPT robot in place to handle customer service? Using ChatGPT to write emails, to then be replied to by another ChatGPT email, etc. I don’t think this will have a significant impact in the world of work.

Will AI replace coders in software, or programming? There’s been a lot of talk here … it may replace low end programmers … will it replace great programmers?

I have a hard time seeing this.

Over time it will become more of a nuisance, and I think that most of the AI technology that is generated will end up in the wrong hands, people operating with nefarious intentions. A growing market to scam and defraud senior citizens is on the horizon.

A simple google search 10 years ago was way more efficient than one today, simply because of all the generative AI clutter that is out there for search engines to find.

Generative AI has already taken over the social media waves and filled it with AI posts run by AI robots.

I’m no luddite, but some technologies are incredibly useful and valuable for society, and others are just not.

Some AI that is focused on real efficiencies will provide value and some AI technologies will cause way more harm than good.

Do good work, offer value, provide thoughtful insight to your team, and you should be just fine.

57-70, sun and clouds.

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Will AI have an impactful role in replacing workers in the future?

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Jim Guerrera

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Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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