Effective and Personal Management Solutions

Managing Director Insights

A Perspective on Peace

SCN Yesterday:

A candidate ghosted us, went around us to the manager directly, made extra attempts to the VP directly to meet before the end of year, multiple times.

This is normally when the recruiter says, “I’m done working with Bob, I’m going to tell the client not to hire him”.

OK … hold on … let’s take a deep breath.

Let’s gain some perspective.

This candidate doesn’t want this job.

He needs this job.

It’s the only way to explain the irrational approach.

It’s possible that he’s on the brink, he has bills to pay.

OK, let’s allow him to keep his dignity.

Let’s keep the peace here with Bob.

But also, let’s see if we can help him.

He is a GREAT match on paper.

And we’ll have to do some consulting with the client.

Let’s still see if we can help him land this position.

No need to get upset at Bob here.

“Bob, we’ve heard back from our client. We have details on the plan for the next step in the process. I’m sure you’ve been swamped and unable to return the call, so please get back when you can and we’ll game plan together”.

An empathy mindset on steroids is helpful during the end of year season, especially.

Everyone is swamped.

End of year holiday planning, at work and home.

A push for end of year numbers.

A push for end of year planning.

Cold and Flu Season.

Extra functions to attend.

Extra spending and a crunch on $.

It’s almost safe to ‘assume’ the other party is under stress at this time of year.

Tolerance is the right path here …. to be different, in a good way.

Last workday of the week to make an impact!

We’re pushing hard at SCN – Search Consulting Network.

Have a great day, everyone!

#SCNrecruiting #SCNinsights #hiring #endofyearstress

Jim Guerrera

Author Info

Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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The importance of truly listening, and understanding your wants and needs, cannot be overstated.