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Safety – Gloves
Dan Ramón had a nice conversation with Joe Geng, Vice President with Superior Glove regarding gloves for safety.
He stated, “My biggest tip for companies looking to reduce hand injury rates is to focus on the comfort of their PPE. 70% of hand injuries occur when workers aren’t wearing gloves.”
He added, “Recently, one of our safety consultants spent a day observing at a client’s factory. She observed one astonishing behavior, workers were taking off their gloves to perform their tasks, then putting the gloves back on afterwards.”
Why would they do this, she wondered, “Because the gloves were hot, sweaty, and too bulky for the task. Probably, the workers weren’t even thinking about the absurdity of their action, it was just automatic, because the gloves were uncomfortable.”
Geng continued, “All safety experts struggle with the discomfort of gloves, not just in PPE, but in other safety infrastructures. Every safety manager must ask themselves—or actually, ask the workers—beyond the hassle, how much discomfort will a person bear to be safe doing this job?”
I think we should give Joe Geng a hand, for his great advice in keeping our hands out of harms way!
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