Effective and Personal Management Solutions

Managing Director Insights

OK, I Trust You


** Conversation with Candidate – Early in the Process:
OK, we just covered all of the reasons why it’s always best to ask for a raise without a lever in hand (offer from another company), do you want to speak with your manager about your current situation, or do you want to continue forward in the interview process because you are clear, it is time to leave?

The understanding is that if you interview, you won’t entertain counter-offers when it is time to resign.

“I’m all-in, let’s interview. Counter-offers are a way to career ruin. I’m not going to entertain one”.

** Offer Verbally Presented … accepted … Written Offer Accepted:
Hey, can you call me back? Why haven’t you completed the drug screen? Where are you?? $$@@##!!!! Counter-offer.

In the olden days … (ha … ) Circa 2001 … there was flat out lying and manipulation of the hiring process by candidates to get counter-offers … but not nearly as much as there is today.

Perhaps it’s because candidates have, ‘had it’ with the way they’ve been treated by corporations.

The blue ocean in the modern world of career advancement, hiring, recruiting, management, and job-seeking …. is to go back to the way it used to be. If you want to stand out, in a good way.

Employers treat your people fairly.

Employees, candidates, honor your word.

The transactional nature of the business world continues to increase rapidly with remote work, and unrelenting ruthlessness for short-term monetary results, on both sides.

Call me old school … or maybe just old. I still like the long game. Treat people right, honor your word, and make decisions based on both short-term and long-term outcomes.

OK, I trust you.

27-33 degrees, and ice on the ground, everywhere, sidewalks and roads. Almost as if the Super Hero “Ice Man” made his mark overnight. Be careful if you are out there in SE-MI today.

Make it a great day, everyone!

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SCN – Search Consulting Network

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Jim Guerrera

Author Info

Jim Guerrera

Jim Guerrera, Managing Director, founded SCN in 2000. Jim is primarily responsible for the development of the leaders at SCN, strategic planning, the hiring and development of company associates, culture leadership, core value leadership, sales le...

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