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Vehicle Antennas

I had a nice conversation with Siddharth Goswami, an early career RF / Antenna Engineer, and he shared some insight on the job market in this space.
According to Goswami, “I am finding many more RF Engineering openings, than Antenna Design Engineer opportunities, in the autonomous vehicles area. There are not as many Antenna Design Engineer opening because companies are usually looking for someone with experience on a specific antenna. RF Engineers work on the whole system and then work closely with the Antenna Design Engineer on specific details.”
My recommendation for earlier career candidates is to get as much experience as a RF Engineer first before moving on to an Antenna Design Engineer position. It would be very beneficial to have the overall system knowledge first before moving into an specializing in a certain antenna or two.
#SCNrecruiting #Vehicles #rfengineer #antenna #autonomousvehicle
Author Info
Susan Perris
Susan Perris joined SCN as a Marketing Specialist in 2009 and was promoted to Search Consultant in 2010. She was promoted to Sr. Search Consultant in 2013. She is also a Practice Leader for positions within the vehicles space. Susan focuses extens...
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